Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Lessons We Learn Having Two Puppies...Part Two

Since I am still struggling a bit with writers block, I thought I would branch out from another blog and bring up the new lessons we have learned as Moose Mutt and Baby Shark are getting bigger.

Lesson Twenty One (continued from the other blog post)

   When playing with Moose Mutt, do not put your face down near him because you will either get a face full of warm puppy fart, or a deliberate sneeze (anyone with an Elkie will get this)

Lesson Twenty Two,

   When Baby Shark is full, or feeling very hyper after a session with Moose Mutt do not think that picking him up to put him in his crate is a good idea, because Baby Shark will either sink his weight straight to his butt so you nearly drop him, or he will let some very nasty puppy farts in hopes this will get him out of crate time.

Lesson Twenty Three,

   When it comes time to flea Moose Mutt and Baby Shark it is a good idea to separate the boys because word will get around that the dreaded vial is out and you not only have to chase down the remaining puppy but the cats in the house as well. And nobody wants to go that route.

Lesson Twenty Four,

   Do not assume that a basket full of toys will be shared equally between Moose Mutt and Baby Shark. No, they instead choose to pass their time by fighting over the same poor toy that eventually will have to be taken away to be sewn up extending its life just a little bit.

Lesson Twenty Five,

   The store sales on dog toys are your best friends, so is buying a particularly durable toy in bulk so that the children can continue to fight over their beloved same toy.

Lesson Twenty Six,

   When the boys are fighting it is wise to put up feet, and any valuable electronics because chances are the fighting will come to you, and you may or may not get caught up in another deliberate sneeze because Moose Mutt does not always get his aim right.

Lesson Twenty Seven,

   When taking both children out to play, be prepared to have long leashes on both dogs, and be prepared that you will spend most of the play session untangling leashes, and that both boys will play until they are tired and you have to carry the growing little Baby Shark inside, which is a chore in itself.

Lesson Twenty Eight,

   Moose Mutt loves his Kong Wobbler and he is incredibly skilled at launching it across the room. Be prepared that you will inevitably be hit by it more than once, or that he will shoot it just right and knock Baby Shark over thus starting another play session.

Lesson Twenty Nine,

   Baby Shark is just that, a baby, so it is expected that he will think the cats are his own personal play toys, and that he will think biting the grumpy one in the tail is great fun, which causes the grumpy one to become offended and use you as a launching board so that she can make it into the dining room for safety. Once Baby Shark gets a warning scratch across the nose he will then come to you with that wondering look on his face, with the awe I was just playing attitude.

Lesson Thirty,

   And this is another good one, poop bags are your friends, and whoever invented the decorative bone you can hang from your belt loaded with poop bags, is a genius. When taking Moose Mutt or Baby Shark for a walk, do not think that one poop in the yard will be enough, no, after walking and playing, they will decide that the neighbors lawn makes an excellent potty spot and you will then become a balancing expert holding said dog and picking up poop. I have become quite skilled at this thanks to Baby Shark, who finds the pickup process hysterical.

Lesson Thirty One,

   And the final lesson for this blog, cords, cords, and more cords. Cords are a nightmare when you have a three month old puppy, and even more so when Moose Mutt comes into the monkey see monkey do stage of having a baby brother. If Baby Shark can do it, Moose Mutt thinks he can to, and it is double the trouble and the gray hair. Nut brothery at its finest I tell you.

   This concludes another blog about the adventures of having two puppies, and again, please, in no way think that I am complaining about Simon or Torean. This is another blog meant to be nothing other than silly. Both Torean and Simon are precious to us, and even though Simon is facing a future where he could eventually go blind, he has not let anything stop him. He is facing the world with the exuberance of a puppy, growing like a weed, and loving life. We love these two with everything we have, and I would not have it any other way.


  1. I laugh all the way through these! Puppy farts, huh? Are they as bad as Nicki farts?

    1. They are worse. Torean is getting fish oil on his food to help his itchy skin. Now he has fish oil farts which hang long and greasy, and Simon has just plain nasty butt LMAO.
