Saturday, June 22, 2013

Puppy proofing

Simon is rapidly getting more adventurous and curious with every day. His play sessions with Torean are getting longer and more vocal, and you guessed it, Simon has picked up Toreans old loves including the dreaded gray hair inducing cord chewing. Simon is a smart little nut and so far our attempts at blocking areas off is being met with absolute failure. Yesterday I concocted a barricade to keep Simon out of the corner only to see him wiggle his expanding backside and crawl under the chair around the barricade to get my laptop cord, his favorite target. So today I am trying to figure out a new way to block him...and protect the living room from the nut brothers rampage. Torean has finally given up his love of cords only to gnaw lovingly on his time out chain when he is bored. Thankfully with Torean only two cords suffered his chewing and I hope we can be that lucky with Simon.  Puppies.
   Simon goes to the vet on Monday where we are hoping for good news. Simon is growing like a happy weed and putting weight on nicely but his vision still needs improvement even though it isn't stopping him from causing mischief, biting his brother and enjoying his puppyhood. He loves the grass, attacking and beheading those evil weeds, trying to bite feet, gee, he sounds like a certain Norwegian puppy....and overall being a nut. He is bringing us as much joy as Torean does and the two of them are quite skilled at making us laugh. As you can guess two puppies bring chaos, laughter and many phrases one says to a baby or a Norwegian elkhound puppy. The worst one for Torean being GET THOSE UNDIES OUT OF YOUR MOUTH! I thought I told you to stay out of the bathroom! Thank god we didn't have guests that day. Ah memories. :)


  1. Or "quit sniffing the underwear!" Remember those days? Lol!

    1. Bahaha. I seem to remember it was you who uttered that particular phrase. I just have to say stop eating them. Go figure
