Tuesday, July 2, 2013

How Long Can He Go?

Simon had a vet visit yesterday, and we were relieved to find out that he is not blind as first thought. Simon does have some peripheral and light distinguishing sight and that is enough for us. The vets don't know what caused his vision problems but it doesn't matter. We love the little terror just the way he is, although today Simon was proving he has a hard head like his big brother. As you all know, learning from Torean, we started crate training Simon sooner and so far he is making his displeasure about it very well known. When crying does not get him freedom Simon will either whine his way into giving up or he will chew at the bars of the crate until he thinks he has told us off thoroughly and go to sleep. Torean may have a piercing bark but Simon's is incredibly shrill and can make you wince. Eventually Simon will realize that none of this will get him out of crate training and he will grudgingly accept it like Torean did. Until then we will laugh at his determination and refuse to give into his whimpering demands because crate training is for his own good. Especially because he has a very hard time seeing in the dark...and because a puppy left to his own devices is nothing but trouble! Nothing is safe when it comes to his teeth and puppy mischief...bare footies beware...Simon is here!

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